Training the Trainers in Peronia, Guatemala November 3-9th, 2018

Dana Alonzo, PhD, Marciana Popescu, PhD, and Zoe Reyes, MSW found a very receptive audience for their teacher and staff training at two high schools in Guatemala.  Topics such as adolescent development, suicide awareness, leadership skills and resilience in teens and adults were addressed.  Many other relevant discussions between the ISWS volunteers and their Guatemalan participants lead to the conclusion of  the development of community alliances to provide teens with “safe spaces” and continue to address the impact of economic challenges and lack of opportunities on adolescents’ mental health.  

“It was an amazing experience!  I am excited about the work we can do moving forward.”  Zoe Reyes, MSW, Peronia,

“Thank you so much for organizing this trip!”  Marciana Popescu, PhD